I am proud of myself today because I actually came into my work gym and ran!
Yep, you read that right, I ran today!
So since the beginning of the year I can seriously count on 1 hand how many times I have worked out. I could give all sorts of excuses about being sick with brochitis, (which I am) or Jaylynn being up all night sometimes, but really what it all boils down to is me being lazy. So today as I was actually getting ready to lay back down in bed after John and Jaylynn had left, I thought to myself, "well I guess I could lay here for another 20-30 min, then get up and go to the gym." But then I had a reality check with myself. Who was I kidding? If I laid down I would be getting up 5 minutes before I had to be out the door. And then I would have no one to blame but myself. These are my goals to accomplish and only I can make myself do the things I need to in order to accomplish them.
So I got out of bed right then, got ready and headed out the door. When I got to work I went into the gym and there were 2 people there. 1 was actually finishing up when I got there, so as I started warming up on the treadmill I was down to 1 and half way through he left too. So I pretty much had the gym to myself and that make working out a lot nicer that I didn't have anyone staring at me.
So, with this work out I recently decided to look for an app that I could use to help me achieve a side goal. I don't think I'll ever race in one, but really I think it'd be nice to know that I trained and there is a possibility I could run one. Plus I know training for it will help me when we go hunting this fall (hopefully). Anyway I found an app that takes you from being a couch potato to being able to run a 5k! It's surprisingly easy. Well I should say the first day was.
It is a lot like run/walking I have talked about earlier. But this way, instead of having to remember how long, counting seconds or anything annoying like that. I tell it to start, turn on my itunes and away I go. It will pause my music to inform me to walk, or run or cool down. So this morning I warmed up for 5 min, then in 20 min intervals of walking for 1.5 minutes and running for a minute. Then finished off with a 5 minute cool down. I think the only thing I will do different tomorrow is make sure I stretch a WHOLE LOT more before I start. I didn't get a charlie horse, but my calve muscles definitely got tight quick while running.
So yes, I am proud of myself today for running. And I am also proud that I am down 5 lbs already! I guess the 1 thing I was REALLY ready and willing to do was portion control. I have definitely been watching what goes in my mouth, and how much. I also took friends and family advice and started an account with myfitnesspal.com. This way I am really able to tell how many calories I am consuming a day and what I need to cut back on. Sweets are still my down fall, but I have been good about how much I eat.
Anyway, I guess I'll try again tomorrow with coming into work. I do know right now I am really tired. But that probably also has to do with staying at my parent's late so John could finish wathing the 49er game. That was sad. But anyway tonight I'll try and get to bed earlier. Try and make it easier.